We are currently offering founding members an opportunity for a video interview with TermitePros that will be professionally edited and can be used to promote your company on social media and on your company profile.
Our interview format will dive into your company history, ask how you got started, dive into the details of what sets you apart in your industry, your ties to your home town and more. We’re currently recording interviews and examples of how videos will be edited are similar to Gary Vaynechuk or Tony Robbins. Long form videos will also be posted on our Youtube channel.
Additionally, all founding members will permanently be listed on our About Us page and be a lifetime premium member.
We are also currently offering the opportunity to advertise throughout the site and promote your business to thousands of users each month. The three main banner sizes are:
Leaderboard (728×90 pixels)
Full Banner (468×60 pixels)
Half Banner (234×60 pixels)
Large Rectangle (250×250 pixels)
Rotating banner ads are used in the sidebar, footer, pages and news posts and can link to websites, your facebook page or your listing in the directory. Don’t worry if you haven’t got a banner, we’ll create one for you free of charge.
For information on banner ad rates or to get banner adverts created please call us on (614) 901-4112.
We help CPAs and accounting professionals all over the country get more leads through their Website, Search Engines, Google Ads, and more. Contact us to get a free marketing report on your performance online.